Wednesday, September 02, 2015

It's 3:45 a.m. Why am I up?

(Photo: Bahman Farzad)

Because I feel as though I didn't really get anything done today, and I still want to.

But what? What can I produce at this hour, without spending another hour, that could be of interest or use?

A question, that's what.

Here you go, then:

What would you set out to do, if you knew you could not fail?

Hike the Himalayas?

Plant thousands of trees?

Sing in the street?

Build a billion-dollar enterprise?

Consider this your safe space, for uttering what you might not dare to whisper otherwise. Sometimes hearing our voices speak a thing makes it easier to believe that it could happen. (Not will, or even should - those things come later. Just, could.)

It's 4 a.m. What better time to dream aloud?

What would you do, if you knew you could not fail?


Unknown said...

I would create a foundation to provide resources, information and education for caregivers. I'm of the age that I watch my parents be the caregivers and advocates for their parents, but my parents may need that kind of assistance soon. They had to learn and try and make mistakes when it comes to laws and regulations regarding healthcare, estates and finances. This foundation would help provide best practices, discussion groups, and tips on how to stay healthy mentally, physically and emotionally when providing the care for others.

Elwin Green said...

Wow, that's a great concept - one that could serve thousands upon thousands of people. I hope you find people who help you find ways to make it happen.