Thursday, January 30, 2014

Notes Toward A True Gospel Of Prosperity

I haven't decided yet whether to make this an essay, a book, a video, or an outline for a discussion group. But while I'm figuring that out, fell free to rattle these bones:

  1. God is infinite. 
  2. God is generous.
  3. God created the material world to reflect His infinitude through abundance.
  4. God gave humans the capacity, and the mandate, to manage abundance for greater abundance.
  5. Sin has made everything harder, but there is still enough of everything we need for everyone.
  6. When the Holy Spirit quickens faith in Jesus Christ, humans receive the life of God in all its fullness.
  7. God really, really wants to use His people to show off.
  8. Christians in particular should manifest the wisdom of God in cultivating the abundance of creation, and the generosity of God in distributing that abundance.
  9. Christians are to provide for themselves, their households, their extended families, fellow members of the ecclesia and the poor generally.

That's my view. What's yours?

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